
Kids, Mom & Dad – Enter the World of Science as Told By Creator and Father My grandson, Nathan 10 years old asked me, ―Parpie who is Darwin and what is Evolution?‖ ―Why do you ask?‖ I asked. ―My friend said, God did not create the world but Evolution and Darwin did‖, He said. For the next many days, I did a reflection on Genesis chapter 1 with Nathan and his 7- year-old sister, Danica – undergirding their foundational beliefs on a Good God who is Father and Creator. Then I thought I should write a commentary that 6 to 14-year-old can understand with parents and grandparents reading to them. May be even at bedtime. I was a medical academic serving on the academic staff of Colombo and North Colombo medical faculties. My research articles may be found on Medline. I have extensively written on the effects of the digital screen on the learning process and youth behaviour. Raised up in an atheistic home, I came to faith just before I entered Medical Faculty. Evolution and Creation were pivotal issues in my change of belief. Lessons 1- 44 cover Genesis chapters 1 to 11, up to the Call of Abraham. While most contents can be understood by a 12 to 14- year-old, a 6-year-old will need help from mom and dad. Mom and dad sitting with them rather than with the smart screen, is one important goal of this book. There are special sections of background knowledge for parent to read and understand in order to answer questions that kids will face because of curiosity or criticism. Lessons 45 to 50 cover basic beliefs in Christianity. These chapters need to be read by parents, teaching the child. This is a book for every Christian home and for the Library of every Christian School. It is a great tool for children and

groups. The Love, Life, Light approach will help skeptics to come to faith as well. May the Lord make it a blessing to you is my prayer. Dr Lalith Mendis Director, Colombo Empathic Learning Centre