Ark & The Market

Ark & The Market

The Ark was ready on the still waters before the storms would come. The Mountain of Compromise (MOC) loomed large, impressive, impenetrable & fun-tastic. It was true that the soil lower down was sinking but a little higher into the MOC, there was no visible danger. The 7 Pillars of Success – Hard work, Human effort, Science, Market, Research, Intelligence & Imagination were well carved on marble. They looked stronger than ever. It was true that the lower plateaus of the MOC looked brittle but then who wanted to get into an ARK that had no swimming pool, Bar or Casino as Luxury cruise liners would. Certainly we could get into the Ark if the MOC got into serious trouble. For this purpose everyone on the MOC were armed with an adequate religious link. They all thought the ancestral religion like an unbreakable chain would leash them thru their Sunday one hour link to the Ark. In fact some web sites that advertised the Ark, even offered 3 day seminars in five star hotels on how to get to the Ark when the going gets tough. I phones, I pads, I pod were all full of such meaningful last minute religion advise. Everyone had their choice of Success Trek. Some thru religion. Some thru sub prime debt. Others thru science & research. Lurid tract was for people of that mindset. Entertainers were more needed than sportsmen in this dire hour. Stuntmen sold survival tactics for 100,000 EUD. Greatness had many modes. Success has many mothers and failure is an orphan.

The Ark only had this somber inscription – Rock of ALL Ages. Not Platinum or Titanium. Just plain Rock. While I watched, the gentle waves that lapped the Ark roared ten times more vigorous. Was it a tsunami? Was it a seaquake? But mountaineers were ready for such an eventuality. By an amazing pair of Adidas boots & and a “Mark Spitz” branded life jacket, they ascended one notch higher on the MOC and the waves looked dwarfed. However a significant number on the sinking rapids at the foot of the MOC, changed allegiance and got on to the life boats the Ark had launched. Now the Ark looked quite full and much more spacious than the MOC. Immediately the PA system of MOC informed how secure the systems are and in fact that very hour Samsung & Apple buried the hatchet and were devising a Smart Phone that would function underwater. The smart phone would also function as a cardiac pace maker. Sony announced a smart chip -10 terra bytes, that when plugged into the ear would function as an additional brain. Amazing. How more can man be like God?

The dazzling lights of the MOC came up just to assure all that smart energy never wanes. News report also said that the Keppler Spacecraft had found another Sun and a planet like earth. Boeing were hoping to soon commence inter galactic flights in the Boeing alpha Max space craft. “When we have such wonderful science – who needs God?” is what many mountaineers thought. Even those who had some doubts tightened their Mark Spitz life jacket & securely fingered their I phone. It sure feels good to have one.

No one expected the next development. A massive solar flare flashed and Wi-Fi disconnected. This was the Carrington Effect. No one had seen a magnetic storm of that magnitude since 1859. As the waters arose further the Ark separated from the MOC and the religion chain snapped. Each one had a link in the hand but nothing to link to. Immediately the digital command centre spoke and said a digital connection was established to the “great spirit” of the MOC for spiritual comfort. Verses of comfort were read out from Bhagvad Gita, Bible, Quran and many other holy texts. Unlike the straight jacket religion of the Ark all had their say. They deceived themselves saying that the Ark was vanishing into Oblivion. They said they were on the way to the heaven of universal brotherhood – higher on the MOC. No one bothered about food because nanotechnology would do the wonders. Of course formula one racing was not possible. But the Rose Bowl yet functioned. Entertainment was the opium of the masses. Some Bible believing people who had not got into the Ark were embarrassed by the loud mouthed assailing of God’s character. But what could they do? Rev 13:4-7.

Now things got ugly. There was a hand to hand fight for territory on the MOC. Having eliminated the world’s weak, unproductive, handicapped etc., so that the mighty may have all the resources for themselves, there was now sectarian slaughter. Diamond card holders were demanding that the Platinum card holders should be thrown into the raging ocean cauldron with sulphurous wrath, in order to give all of the shrinking space of the once great MOC to the most elite. Platinum card holders shrieked with protest. Man playing God had become a nightmare. Orwell’s Farm was playing out.

No one had heard such an explosion. The MOC split in two. The energy of the explosion ejected the Bible believing compromisers who were repenting, out of the MOC directly into the Ark which now was quite far away. It was like Philip the evangelist travelling by the Spirit. They landed dead on the Ark. But their souls were saved even thru death.

There was great gnashing of teeth & wailing from the MOC. Many Diamond Card holders were queuing up looking for a doctor because the pain of their boils was unbearable.

Rendering Unto Caesar – Do Not render Unto Caesar that which is Not Caesar’s

Mat 22:21 They said to Him, Caesar’s. Then He said to them, Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things which are God’s.

The problem begins when Caesar demands what is not his t be given to Him. So Peter answered,

Act 4:19-20 But Peter and John answered and said to them, Whether it is right before God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. (20) For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.

At that time, the Sanhedrin was Caesar. They ordered the apostles not to preach. What if they listened to Caesar? Very early the Roman Empire illegitimated Christianity. The Empire demanded Caesar be worshipped. Many Christians were put to death. When the State Church found Imperial favour, others who refused were hunted. This was the case in Russia and China. The State Church carried the voice of Caesar. Believing Christians defied and went underground. So the birth of the Underground Church. Brother Andrew regularly defied Caesar and became God’s smuggler. In one book he explains the “ethics of smuggling” .

Martin Luther & Mahatma Gandhi became famous for civil disobedience because they defied unjust sectarian and racial laws. When the Dutch in Sri Lanka illegitimated Roman Catholicism, Fr Joseph Vaaz camouflaged as a cobbler, came to serve the Catholics. Hitler’s Germany learnt the bitter lesson of obeying Caesar while Hitler’s SS came for Slavs, Communists, Trade Unionists, Jews. The powerful Lutheran Church played ball with Hitler. Pope did the same. This made way for Martin Niemoller’s famous statement (Only Lutheran Bishop who stood up to Hitler and was imprisoned) – “when they came for me there was no one to speak for me”.

These thoughts are relevant because in different countries, Christians will have to disobey Caesar to different degrees.

• They can make it compulsory for all medical practitioners to provide abortion services. Christians will have to disobey at the risk of being struck off the role. (such laws are being formulated in the US)

• Already some Christians serve prison sentence for refusing conscription for conscience issues

• They are making it mandatory to recruit homosexuals even by Churches. Homosexualism in being enforced. All countries will be coerced.

• In many EU countries European patenting has outlawed indigenous products. ISO registering will outlaw other products all in the name of quality control

• Revelation chap 13 says in some countries where the rule of antichrist will be in full sway, you will need his number to buy & sell. Some Christians are trying to work out an alternate banking & trading system.

• Religion of Universal Brotherhood sponsored at UN General Council by Ted Turner will be the official religion of many nations. Evangelical Christians in such countries will be proscribed. You will have to disobey Caesar. Get ready now.

• Using genetically modulated seeds and abandoning natural & indigenous flora & fauna will become mandatory. Agrochemical driven cultivation by multinational will swallow up the local farmer. He will be a slave buying seeds, chicks, feed or fertilizer and selling back produce to the provider for a pittance, .

• National Vaccination programs will be enforced that endanger health. Purpose is twofold. One is to interfere with natural immunity and create greater markets for pharmaceuticals. The other is to remove unwanted populations. There are Christians in US who live outside the National vaccination program and national education programs.

• National education programs will make belief in evolution compulsory and also will advocate family values according to secular humanism. The Australian minister of finance lives with a Lesbian and her pregnant partner has brought a child into the “family”.

• Water will be made a globalised resource and will be taken out of the control of national sovereignty

• All this will be done initially with the consent of bankers, politicians, accountants & tax consultants in the name of good governance & regulation. The purpose would be to assess wealth of all, so that all wealth could be centrally controlled. There was a time those who were in professionals services were national household names because of their sacrificial services. Now it is the stock market investors who make national news for fete or fraud. One reason for this is that all of government is market driven. Other reason is that the Professionals were willing to market their services purely for profit. Honour of the Profession is no more the code. Profit from the profession is the bottom line.

• Laws that protected the local economy & fixed assets (land) have been changed relentlessly in order to allow foreign ownership, lending & manipulation of stock market & money market. This will be done with the help of lawyers judiciary. When the nation wakes up, it will be too late wriggle out of big brother control. Human Rights are just one modus operandi to interfere with sovereign nations.